Help people with your hobbies

playing guitar in public
Share your talents

Wednesday we talked about how we should act kindly to people. Being kind to people does not have to cost money. Use your hobbies as a setup for helping people. The greatest example for this is playing an instrument in public. Street artists want to turn their hobby in their job. Before actually making money with it they can make strangers days better by sharing their music without accepting money. If you are able to play music, but are not looking for a way to spend money you can also play music without ever placing a money cup or your guitarcase.

A different method of sharing your hobbies is by sharing your knowledge. With any of your hobbies you spend time to attain knowledge. Why not share it for free with family, friends and strangers? When you are very into working out and eating healthy you can motivate your friends and family to do the same. When they have obtained enough motivation you can help them by advising how to improve. Sharing information to strangers is slightly more difficult via the original methods. However in our modern society there are many available methods. Writing articles or publishing videos are the way to share your knowledge.

Good things happen when you meet strangers. – Yo-Yo Ma

Are you aware of al the cultures that are around the world? Maybe your hobby to go to is learning different languages. It may be trying to perfect your second language or even by learning multiple languages at the same time. Strangers that know your native language do not always require help. But people that you don’t know, that don’t know the country, the habits and the language will need help. If you see people hanging around looking rather confused, consider that they are not able to express themselves in your native language.

If you see a stranger approaching a table of native speakers, pay attention what language they are speaking. Maybe the native speakers are not able to help the stranger out in his language. With your language knowledge you may be able to help them out. Be it from understanding the different language and explaining it in English to actually being able to respond in the other language.