Helping friends in difficult times

helping friends

We love to spend time with our friends. There is nothing better than finishing your workweek looking forward to your evening out with your mates.

But when our friends are down it is the moment for us to stand close to them and to help where we can. When you notice your friend is having a rough times but doesn’t want to admit it yet, don’t be afraid to tell them that you are there for them. If they are not ready to accept your help at the moment don’t rush it. Make sure they know your door stays open for them. This includes when they get in relationship with someone who wants them to break all their existing friendships.

True friends stab you in the front. – Oscar Wilde

Don’t blame your friend for what has happened to them, or what it may bring to you. For example if they temporarily need to take distance for their own growth allow them to reach for what they are aiming at. Having your friend coming up to you telling they have to free up some time to finish up their big goal. Don’t be mad about it, be thankfull that they had the guts to come and tell you about it.

Friends aren’t there just be at your side during good and bad times. But also waiting at a distance for the moment when they need you. You might not be in contact with them currently for some reason. True friends can wait untill they are needed for support. Don’t be the friend that can only be reached after a week or only during the good moments of life. Be prepared to help out your friends and see them do the same for you.