How building character improves success

Build yourself
Build yourself up

Anything in your life that is worth it takes a while to be build. The same thing goes for improving yourself. For example take a look at self-confidence. To be able to be confident you need to know what you can achieve and that you are good at what you are doing. If you have been playing an instrument for years you are able to enjoy and play music really great. But what happens when you have never played in front of people and do it for your first time? you will fail horribly at it. Is it because you don’t know how to play instrument? No, it is because you are not confident in your knowledge and capabilities to do it in front of a crowd. Practise playing in front of your family or friends and end up becoming better doing it over and over again.

What if you aren’t just good at playing music in front of a crowd, but also are good at helping people, have a great stamina for running miles and so much more? This can only happen if you have build your character and are good at being consistent in anything you set your mind to. When you have a strong character you are disciplined to focus yourself on your priorities. You set your priorities on the important goals and activities in life. Which in turn will improve the succes that you can achieve.

It takes a strong character for a person to say, ‘I can’t do it’. – Reese Hoffa

When you have built a strong character you will be able to finish anything you set your mind to. If you aren’t able to complete something it will only be something that you are simply not ready for yet and forces you to take longer. For example you may be really fit but aren’t able to run a marathon yet. This doesn’t mean you have to give up on your goal, just that you have to work towards achieving it. If you feel like you wont be able to finish your achievement it takes a strong will to accept defeat and to focus on your next attempt.

By having a strong character you can aim towards all of your dreams and aspirations. To be able to defeat anything that stands before you consider setting realistic goals with decent time frames on them. Don’t but extremely short nor long time frames. Don’t overpush yourself, neither underestimate what you can do. You can set impossible goals for yourself, aslong as you allow yourself to take your time and to take it as a win by completing the small steps.