How do you look at food?

What do you think when you see your food?

Weekly we spend a lot of time on looking for food, cooking and eating it. While you may be eating the same as someone else the reason why you are eating it doesn’t have to be the same.

Take for example eating a healthy meal, what is the reason you are eating it? Have you ordered it in a restaurant, did you family cook it, did you chose to cook it yourself or are you being forced eating it? It is not the food in front of you that is important but why you are eating it. For example you can eat fastfood once in a while because you crave it, you could eat it every day or being invited by your friends for an occasional night out. If the reason why you are eating something lays outside of yourself it will not become a habit. This works for healthy food and for unhealthy. If you don’t end up craving it again you will not be implementing it regularly.

You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I’m not hungry enough to eat six. -Yogi Berra

As the quote mentions it all depends how you look at the thing in front of you. With food the amount you take of something seems important, but it is not only the number it is also the quantity of it that is relevant. There are also ways to trick your mind. If you are used to eating an entire pizza all the time stepping down to half a pizza is a huge change. However if you change to a smaller pizza and still eat it entirely you will not feel it as too much of a downgrade.

Food can either be a hindrance or a boost for your health. Iit can improve the performance of your body or you can eat unhealthy and it will prevent your body to function well. Another dimension is who are you eating the unhealthy food for. Are you craving it or are you just eating it to please your friends or family? If you are craving it, allowing yourself to eat it once in a while will replenish your mind. However if the only reason you are eating it is to please someone else you don’t get any advantage from it. At first friends and family wouldn’t like you to decline it, but the more often you put your priorities, the easier they will accept it.