How our society has changed

Living in the moment
Don’t take anything for granted

Our parents grew up in an environment a lot different than ours. Many parents had a more difficult time growing up in poverty or without the possibility of improving themselves when unable to pay tons of money.

The benefit we currently have over them is that the internet allows us to become whoever we aspire to be. At younger age it is a blessing to be able to go school. After finishing what you wanted to learn you can continue to learn more without having to spend a lot of money on education. From the relaxing environment of our home we don’t have to stop learning. Before it was a blessing if you received the opportunity by the hard work of your parents to be able to go to school. Now it is a blessing if you have the time to focus on what is important for you. With the comfort of the internet anyone can surpass you at any point in time.

Evolution never looks to the future. – Richard Dawkins

Despite the blessings of learning in this modern era there are also some negative effects. Since it is possible to continue learning everyone around you might be learning while you are laying in your couch. What this provokes is that you might be one of the only people not striving for growth. At first it will not change your life, but every increment will improve you. If you just use 30 minutes a day for growth it will skyrocket your success in a couple of years.

Our current society doesn’t allow us to relax all of the time. We always have our phone with us with all possibilities of relaxation. While having it all close to us we also put a lot of stress on ourselves. To be constantly available, to constantly respond to people, to always follow our social media. Find a way to break free from the chain and use this free time for creating new hobbies and focus on improvement. It will help you heaps and bounds for your future.