How productive is your weekend?

What are you doing in your weekend?

From monday to friday everyone’s day looks similar that we all need to wake up to go working at some point. However the thing that looks completely diffirent is the weekend.

How efficiënt we work during the week for our employer is dependant on how much you enjoy what you are doing. If you happen to be your own boss your week and weekends will probably look totaly different from the average person. If you are not your own boss your boss will want you to be efficient while he is paying you. So why not just crash in the weekend? When you had a hard week there is nothing wrong with recover and relaxing. However if you want to keep improving yourself you should also look for opportunities for growth. For example you could go enjoy yourself every evening of the weekend by going to parties or you go to one party on friday, recover the rest of the weekend while doing some productive activities. Like learning something new, reading a book, talking with your friends or family, work on something in the weekend like writing a book, creating a song or worknig on a side hustle.

I surround myself with positive, productive people of good will and decency. – Ted Nugent

In our society it has become accepted and maybe even expected to waste our time on trying to get acknowledged by others and to obtain likes. Due to this mentality some people even shame those that refuse to follow that trend and prefer to improve their skills and life. Don’t make the same mistake, use your time on social media wisely and create time to do something else as well. take a step back from what everyone does and consider what would be the best for you. Posting what you are eating tonight and waiting for the reactions or writing a poem and practise on improving your artistic side? Don’t focus so much on what others think but rather do what you enjoy and improve on it.

The more productive you are in the weekend the easier it becomes to be productive at work. Besides that people that you meet will recognize how anti-lazy you have become and how motivated you are. We are the average of the 5 people we surround ourselves with. This means if you are being productive you will unconsciously influence your friend and you will alll become better from it. Become productive in the weekend and you will notice big improvement in a short amount of time. Instead of having to force yourself to be productive at work it will become your standard which in turn will make challenging situation a lot easier for you.