How to remove mind block

Find out what blocks you

We all have goals and we need our mind to support us to achieve them. A problem that can come up is your mind gets blocked and that you can no longer continue the path you are going.

An example is the writers block. This is one of the most obvious and most frequent blocks that can appear and that has happened to me multiple times. The easiest method to get over this or any other blockage is to take a rest from what you are doing to set your mind to do something different. It can be in the form of not studying the entire week for an incoming exam, but take breaks no mattter how small. What helped me is to find some alternative activities that break up the pattern. Going for a walk, intensify your workouts or meet new people.

Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. – William S. Burrough

Do you happen to have a difficult exam in front of you, having problems filling it in? You only have a few possiblities. You can keep on staring at the questions, you can give up, or you can give yourself to the moment. Accept the possibility of failing the exam while still sitting there. Take a step back and relax your mind. Those couple minutes of relaxation will probably not reduce your time left too much. At the same time you free up your mind to search for the answer that you need. You may come up with an answer which wasn’t the answer they were looking for, but it could be just enough to pass your exam. If it wasn’t you will have had a nice practise for future situations.

Getting rid of a mental block is possible but what should you do to avoid a mental block in the first place? One of the situations you want to avoid is are during presentations and job interviews. If you happen to end up with a mental block at that time you will not be able to shine. This can be prevented by preparing for everything that can happen. Consider most of the possible questions, research about the subject that you will be talking or about the company that you are in on a job interview.