How you look at something changes everything

Looks can be deceiving

Something may seem really bad at first glance, but only if you take everything in consideration you determine it’s true worth. Think about a 15 years old honda with high mileage. It seems like a beat up car that is worthless. Yet there are people still buying these cars trusting on them being reliable and often time still keep them running for many years and for far distances.

Another example of how something changes depending on your perception is your occupation. When fresh off of school we are happy when we get a job, we are not to specific in all the details of the job we are going to perform. After a couple of yours this starts to change. You will want to improve your take-home pay, have more responsibilities, maybe a nice job title to more flexibility to improve our work-life balance. Everything changes when you look at it differently and it will motivate you to implement changes.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.  -Wayne Dyer

You can look at something thinking it is hideous which means that you will make nothing good from it. For other people it could be an opportunity to create something beautiful. Think about a fixer-upper appartment. One person wants to get rid of it because of all the hard work needed on it, while someone else sees the moment to improve everything about it. Depending on how you look at something it will also enable you to change things around.

An area in life that could benefit from a change of perspective is your health. When there is some work on your health the worst thing you can do is talking yourself down and shaming yourself for your current body. Look at where you at now and focus on improvements rather than maintaining your negative look. The earlier you get over them the faster you can get healthier. When you know everything depends on how you look at it you can switch things around and continue forward.