If there is no problem don’t look for a solution

If it ain’t broken don’t fix it

Health is improved on by taking care of what we eat and how much we eat. For some the food part is the most difficult for others the movement can be challenging. Once you find your preference don’t change it unless something is wrong.

While some absolutely love a change of food and a different tactic of movement change is not always needed. When something works you are not required to switch things up. For example if you are on a plan to lose weight and you are losing a bit each week there is no need to become more agressively on a plan. As long as you are feeling better then you did before there is no harm in maintaining your current method. Sticking with a method that has great results will continue to deliver untill there is no more room for improvement. A second example is if you are using a certain method to learn for exams with a high success rate there is no reason to change things all of a sudden. As long as you know how you are studying and you get a good result with it most of the time stick to it.

An object in motion tends to remain in motion along a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force. – Isaac Newton

The quote from Isaac Newton is rarely used outside of the context of the law of motion. However it’s a great quote to point us in the correct direction. When something is moving straightforward it is continuing without any problems. For example you want to learn a new language and decide to start using some apps and listen to the radio in the desired language in the morning. There are so many methods of learning a new language, some people simply adore learning a new language by travelling to a different country and are forced to use that language. While this may be a good method you may not have the possibility to travel abroad, instead you are doing some language every day. It’s not what you are doing that will show if you are improving but rather if you are doing something about it.

When there is no problem don’t fix it. An example in life for this is when you are driving a car you are going for a yearly check-up of your car. When they fix some minor issues you aren’t going to ask to switch out the motor when there isn’t any problem with it. This is the same with any goals you have. For example if you are working towards becoming healthy you will implement a new or extra type of movement in life. If these affect your body’s performance positively and/or help you reduce some extra weight there is no need to change things around. For the same reason you might go to a yearly check-up at your doctor. When they establish that you are taking in all of the necessary vitamins there is no need to prescribe vitamins. Determine what you are going for and if there are no problems arising don’t change things that don’t need changing.