If you find your passion you have found your drive

What is your passion?

We sometimes have to achieve certain goals but are not motivated enough to reach them. When there is no motivation we may think there is a problem with us, that we are unmotivated and can never achieve anything big. But is this true?

If someone sets a goal that you have to achieve you will not be motivated to do so. For example if you could lose a bit of weight it will not be obtained if someone else forces you to do it. If however something in your life happens for example someone close to you gets ill because of their bad health you will think twice about your life. After this happens you may be create a passion around living healthy, not necessarily focussing so much on the goals that others would set, rather doing enough to become healthy and to have many years left ahead of you. The best motivation is to have a flame burn inside of you to obtain what you aim for.

Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion. – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

If you have found your passion you will want to spend time on it very frequently. What this does is it adds a lot of time spent on this part of your life. You will become better on it and you will enjoy it more. Having more enjoyment spending time on it will increase the motivation you will have for it. An example for this is building your health. If you before never worked out or ate healthy you will not know how to motivate yourself. However if you start one or the other you will be more likely to also be tempted to add in the other part of the equation. The best example with this is if you start spending time and focus on working out. If you are spending that much time and effort into working out you will be less inclined to continue eating fast food. Adding movement into your life but continueing to eat unhealthy will feel unnatural and you will not feel like you continue with achieving your goals.

If you think that a certain goal is important for you there willl be a bigger drive to focus yourself on it. The more you focus on it the better you will become and the better benefits you will enjoy. The more benefits you feel the easier it will become to be passionate about it and to be internally motivated to continue on the path. Think about the times you have set a goal for yourself and how you eventually failed to achieve the goal and what was the reason for not succeeding on it. More often than not the reason why you have quit on a certain goal is because you are no longer motivated. But if instead of focussing so much on having to obtain the goal rapidly, focus on creating a passion around it. From the moment you are passionate about it you will not lack the motivation and you will continue to enjoy it endlessly.