When we mention our biggest goals family and friends will laugh it away as just being impossible dreams that everyone has. How does it come that you find them attainable and that others see it as impossible? The thing is that an extreme goal is something you will strive for giving it your all, while others see it as just a dream that will always stay that, a dream that you can’t obtain.
What can you do to make the goal attainable? Imagine how you have obtained the goal in a couple of years and let your subconscious mind guide you the way. It doesn’t have to matter how much your friends, family and colleagues belief that you can reach the goal, it’s only your ambition, drive and imagination that determines whether or not you will reach it. Don’t let yourself get thrown off by listening to what others think.
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. – Albert Einstein
You don’t have to be smart to achieve an university degree or achieving your goals. You only need to take small decisions that will change the way you think and imagine how you will achieve your goal. There are a lot of ways to achieve your degree. People think that you need to be smart and understand everything from the first time. Agreed this may seem to make everything easier, but that is not neccessiraly the case. Thee smart ones never had to work hard and may aswell quit university because they have to work harder now.
Imagination is a very misunderstood concept nowadays. The power of imagination is incredible. Believe in yourself, see your future self in the position you would like to be in. Act accordingly during the small decision and you will achieve your goal. For if you want to be rich and want to work for it think about how you can achieve it and act on it. You will not become rich from one day on the other, unless you win a jackpot. Think about what sets apart the rich people from the others. They spend there time and even their money to do activities to improve themselves.
Our imagination is limitless and so is our potential. Don’t let yourself be brought down. Aslong as you believe in yourself and see your future ahead of you in the direction you want it to be, you can achieve no matter what.