Impossible is impossible

Motivation concept
Make things possible

How would you define impossible? If your answer is that you don’t know then you may not need to read further on, cause you have got the point of this article already figured out. For the rest of us, including myself, let’s head further.

In life everyone has their moments of doubt  However how much you doubt yourself is how you look at the word impossible. Is this a term that can be used daily or only used for extraordinary circumstances that prohibit further growth?

Nothing is impossible, the word itself is saying ‘I’m possible’! – Audrey Hepburn

If you look at the word itself you see what you want to see in it. Yo1u can read the word in its entirety and understand that it is not possible. Or you can see it as a possibility. Barely everything can be changed into a possibility when you think hard enough for t, prepare and execute following your plan.

For example one of the things that many of us deem impossible is succeeding at university. At first it may look like a hard task that you are not able to achieve. However the goal is not to get the greatest scores ever, the end goal is receiving high enough grades to receive your diploma.

Anything that can be seen as impossible can be turned into a possibility to achieve. For example, obtaining your driving license may look like a hard task at first. But if you break it up in many small parts and keep on practising you will get there at some point. No matter how impossible it may seem keep going at iit and you can succeed.