Improve your potential by increasing your productivity

Decide what you are doing with your time







Most countries have been in a lockdown for a while, this means we have a lot of time we need to use wisely. Take this time to reflect on how productive you have been in the paste and how you can change it.

Instead of waking up hours later than everyone start your day early and do something to improve your mind or body. This can be from going for a walk outside or in your house, Meditating or doing some push ups. If you start your day of strong you are setting the example for the rest of the day and the week. The first time you are trying this don’t do anything special, don’t think it is something hard to do. Just set yourself a specific goal what you want to do the first thing when you wake up. The more times you finish your task you start to make a habit out of it.

However difficult life may seem, there is always something that you can do to succeed at. – Stephen Hawking

Constantly sitting at home is demoralizing. However you can grab this moment to find something new or existing skill to excel at. There is always something out there to do to improve your potential. It may not look like you are not improving, but you don’t have to see it immediately. It is enough if you find something to do that seems helpfull in the long run.

One of the things that everyone can improve on is learning how to be more productive. This can come from internal focus by learning how to medidate. A second way to achieve this is by starting to get used to delayed gratification. What is so important that you need to look on your phone right away when they send you a message? If it’s so important they will call you. Learn to say no to things like your phone and you will see your productivity increase. With less hours you will be able to do more than others working an entire day.