Improve your weekend efficiency

How are you spending your time? 

During the week everyone has the same time consuming activities. After the tiring week everyone has the same amount of time to spend in the weekend. Yes, the responsabilities and people to take care of are different, but we all have 24 hours to spend however we like.

The first thing to do in your weekend is to recover from the workweek. Are you going to do this on friday evening, saturday morning or only using sunday for your recovery? The most efficient is if you opt for going out on friday because you know you wont be doing anything usefull or postponing the relaxation untill sunday. The so called “delayed gratification” does wonders especially if you start using it weekly/every weekend. Instead of coming home from work dropping in your sofa for the rest of the night first do something productive/beneficial. After completing that task you can still use some time to relax. Preferably on something having added benefits, like playing music that boosts your mind.

The obvious rule of efficiency is you don’t want to spend more time organizing than it’s worth. – Daniel Levitin

Spending your weekend efficient is great, but don’t get lost in the details. Plan your weekends to the dot and you will pass the reason of the weekend. The weekend is there to have sufficient time for anything you desire, may it be for constantly having fun or accomplishing your goals. You can enjoy friday evening, sleep for a decent amountt on saturday and do what you need when you wake up. Alternatively you can opt for waking up early on saturday, do what you need and take a powernap in the afternoon to recover from the lack of sleep. There is not only one way to get everything done.

When we have some goal we want to complete it is easy to postpone it for either the end of the weekend or for next week. It is possible to complete it when you are forced with time. So 2 hours before you are going to sleep untill the next workweek you may be the most efficient of the entire weekend. This can be (ab)used to accomplish something you didn’t know you would be able to complete. However finishing it up at the end of the weekend does take away a bit of the feeling at the end of your weekend. So to avoid this consider getting a fresh start earlier on in the weekend.