Improving your skills

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Increase your skills

As a child we are being teached constantly to learn new things and to improve on our current skill set. This continues onward during your further education process. But what happens after you finish your education and you start on the employment market.

At your first job it is really important that you keep on growing yourself so your employer will realise that you are worthy to be kept in house. At some point, may it be at your first, second or later job, you will earn you place almost permenantly at your workplace. It’s great that you are working hard at your job and constantly keep on improving your skills. But at this point is it still worth it to keep on improving your knowledge?

Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit. – George Carlin

When your employer understands  your current worth for the company you may be tempted to quit improving your skill sets. Don’t fall into this trap. Keep on improving knowledge needed for your job. Besides this tactic you can also learn new things that may not be needed currently but can help you in the future. For example all your client may be speaking the same language as you. But why wouldn’t you learn an extra language on the side? In 2 years you may have clients speaking that language. You can understand their needs and help them better then anyone would be able to do.

The economy is flexible, it may crash in 6 months. What happens if your company doesn’t maintain the same income as they have the last years? You may end up with an economical layoff. At this point you can’t only rely on the respect and credit you build up with your last boss. Now everything is going to be about you again. What skills have you improved the last years? What do you have more to offer compared  to the next candidate enters?

Before life happens and you are without a job, prepare yourself and constantly work on sharpening your skills. No matter what skill you focus on it can all help you in your professional carreer. For example working out frequently is an extremely interesting way to spend your time. At any job interview asking about your free time working out is one of the best things you can be talking about. When you have been working out for years they understand how persistent you are and that you focus on your health.