Improving your writing skills in your second language

Write in a different language

Learning a new language is rather challenging, yet it is so rewarding. Imaging meeting a stranger who is unable to speak your mother tongue, but you are capable of speaking with them because you have learned their language for years.

There are many ways to improve your knowledge from a language. The best possible method is moving to the country where the language is the only language spoken. You would be forcing yourself to start getting used to understanding it. Moving to a foreign country would be your best bet, but that doesn’t mean that should be the option to choose. Millions of peoples learn a language rarely even going outside their country.

Reading or written language is a cultural invention that necessitated totally new connections among structures in the human brain underlying language, perception, cognition, and, over time, our emotions.  – Maryanne Wolf

There are so many methods of learning a language and none of it is wrong. One of them that is highly underestimated is writing in the target language.  The main advantage it has is that you can allow yourself to take as much time as necessary. You can research words how to write, or even translate from your mother tongue to learn a new word. The second advantage is that it is difficult to think in the language you are used to if you are writing in a difficult language. I have noticed this is a big advantage while writing these articles. It becomes so much easier to think about a lot of different topic in the new language.

The third advantage for writing is that you start to compare words with each other to see which one fits the best in your sentence. When you are speaking you barely have the time to formulate a sentence, so you have less time to consider all the options. A last method of writing is that you have the possibility of saving the written text. Because of this you can let someone else read and correct your text. You can correct it yourself at a later time or you can even look at your progress over the years.