Increase your gratitude for what you have in your life, don’t look at the things you don’t have

Be thankfull for what you have

Looking at what we don’t have is easier than looking what we actually have now. Are you keen to look at what you have or what you don’t own?

Everyone’s life is different from the next person. So the thing you have might be something that someone else wants. While you are starring yourself blind on what the other person has you have something they desire. Instead of looking so much to others it might be better to look at what you have now. For example you may be envious of your neighbour having plenty of money, but they have lost their family due to circumstances. While you are having your family close but don’t have as much money. What makes you the most happy: looking at what you don’t have or being happy with the things you have?

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. – John F. Kennedy

Despite the many challenges you could face be happy with what you have achieved and the people you are surrounded with. Gratitude is underrated in this day and age. If we live our lifes like we want to, we are being bombarded with unwanted advice from the people around us. One way to totally forget to be happy with who you are is by browsing social media. On social media you see people who have barely become adults who are driving around with supercars who seem to not have to work a single day in the month.

If you have grown up where social media wasn’t a thing yet you might realise that it’s not all important. But more and more people who grow up in our current time have never lived without social media. They are being pressured into having social media and pay attention to it. It becomes harder and harder to refuse to be on social media. Being on social media is ok, but having yourself being damaged by the words on social media shouldn’t be normal. Instead of focussing so much on what other’s think look at yourself and what you want.