Inner sense of resilience

How easy can you bounce back after defeat?

Life isn’t easy. Every person has their own struggles to overcome. If you witness people around you suffering from their circumstances you may wonder how they are coping and how they will recover from it.

When something small happens to you for example you fail an exam you will find out how painfull it is and you can start trying to cope with it. A failed exam could mean that you haven’t studied enough, the exam was too hard for you at the moment or you haven’t for the exam as would have been the most ideal. For example not learning to how to write definitions on exam while taking the exam you notice that a lot of definitions are asked. The moment you undergo multiple problems at once you will start to figure out how you can be resilient against the problems.

Persistence and resilience only come from having been given the chance to work though difficult problems. – Gever Tulley

As children some of us are being protected against every possible issue in life. It feels great to feel protected and safe, but this will prevent us to become strong no matter what happens. The more problems you face the better you will be protected against them. If you have ever been fired from a job while not expecting it, you will know how it feels to be devastated but you will have to continue with your life. Facing difficult situations allow you to build your resilience. For example some people may have rich parents and don’t have to work. You had to work while studying to pay for it and afterwards you are standing on your own. Life will feel harder, but you will become stronger against anything coming your way.

After battling against all your critics and solving your problems you’ll create a strength from within. While others may give up when facing adversity practise building your inner resilience. If something bad happens don’t retract yourself in your shell but take the situation head on. For example you come to school and hear that there is a test that you haven’t studied for. What is the benefit of not joining the test? Possibily you can tell the teacher you forgot about it but can ask if you can still participate. You will see how much you have learned during class. When someone asks for a volunteer to do a short public speech without preparation take this opportunity to build inner strength. If you aren’t earning as much money as you would like find ways to increase your income, don’t just leave your head hanging.

When facing adversity you always have an option to be strong in the situation. If there is no obvious solution for it this time do your best to come up with something. The more often you take on a seemingly impossible challenge the easier future challenges will become.