Instead of breaking down go for a turnaround

Stay strong

Are you undergoing a difficult situation currently? What is your action plan looking like? Are you going to break down or looking for solutions?

When things don’t go as planned it’s easy enough to give up. Rather than giving up you can choose to take a step back and think about what you next actions should be. For example you are studying for an exam that you know will be the hardest exam that you ever participated in. Half way through studying you you feel like you will never pass the exam. There are 2 options you have either quit now or continue to give it you all by continuing to study. While others have given up on the exam and postpone the exam untill their second attempt you kept on studying. After filling in the exam it appears you passed your exam.

Breaking down when things don’t go your way is, in a stoics point of view, useless – Saiumeshchandra

Giving up or breaking down is very simple, you don’t have to do anything special for it. Pursuing what has to be done despite how hard it is will help you reach success. If something difficult shows up your path it’s up to you to decide whether or not you will give up. That is not to say that there aren’t situations where you can go for the hard decision. Giving up means that you have no other place to go but to give up, you wont be able to turn it around. However some situations could lead you into quitting. For example you have start your own company putting a lot of time and possibly money into it. But the business isn’t doing what it has to and giving your all for a couple of years taught you that it will never bring you what you desire. It could be best to quit instead of giving up.

The difference between quitting and giving up is that when you are quitting you have the choice to quit. But with giving up there is no other route that you can take. You have waited to long, you aren’t able to quit or continue anymore. You have to give up on everything you put into it. Building a business always requires a lot of times and often a lot of money. So if the business isn’t getting where you want in a year it doesn’t mean that it isn’t working. You might have started something that has to build up slowly. Never only follow your gut but at least think about what you are stepping away from.