Internal motivation

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When we want to get healthier we look at ways to improve our life. An overlooked part of it is how to stay motivated to keep going. There are two ways to motivate yourself: externally and internally.

We can get external motivation by watching motivational speeches, having people invite you to go workout together or by receiving compliments. Internal motivation is every reason that keeps you going from within yourself. It contains everything that drives you to continue.

The easiest way to keep going is by receiving external motivation, allthough this is the one that is more difficult to maintain. External factors can be used as a jump start or as a extra boost when you need it.

The best motivation always comes from within. – Michael Johson

As we decide to become healthier the initial step to take is to find something that inspires you to get started. This can be a role model in your personal life or someone that you look up to. The inspiration can also come from writing down all the advantages that you want to achieve with your new lifestyle. With this first motivation try to make the changes permanent by turning them into habits.

To stick to these changes be sure to find new external motivation when needed. Want to skip your workout today? Look up a motivation speech and play it before your workout. Before you know you had one of your greatest workouts.

Once you have made those changes permanent you will regarly feel your internal motivation take over when you feel like skipping your workout.