Intolerance is blinding

Don’t be intolerant

When we don’t allow people to prove their own worth we are considering who they are from what we see or what we think. The problem with this is that we blindside ourself, this makes sure that we can’t look past our thought or the things we once seen.

When we are intolerant we don’t allow other people’s opinion. This ensures that you remain thinking the same and hide yourself from other opinions and avoid conversation with other’s. Having conversations while not agreeing with them allows you to see a different side and understand where they are coming for. At the same time if you end up maintaining your own opinion you will find ways to counter arguments against your opinion.

Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding. – Mahatma Gandhi

Being intolerant also has other negative side effects. If you are not hearing other opinions you will never truly understand a certain subject. This is because you are not looking at the same information looking from different ways. You only accept one version and you will never grasp the entirety of the story. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck on one opinion and find people not agreeing.

Everyone has a different look on the world and it has been caused by their upbringing and everything they have learned. Acknowledge that they are different and try to understand their position. It will help you understand other people and the world easier. In current society it is unfortunately accepted to be intolerant to certain people. It is not because others accept it, that you should accept it yourself to do it.