Invest in your future

Build your future

In life there are many goals to achieve, but they aren’t all easy to achieve. You decide on your own who you want to be. The rarest commodity is time, everyone has the same amount of time but you determine how you spend it.

At a young age it seems that we have all the time in the world. With no work, no responsibilities we were free to do as we pleased. Only a later time we come to realise how important it is to use your time wisely and to use your time for further improvements. We like to think that if we don’t use our time smart now we can bypass that in the future by spending some money. Unfortunately this doesn’t hold up. No matter how much money you have you can’t buy yourself extra time. Of course you could use your money to survive and quit your work. But that is a too big step at once.

You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. – Abraham Lincoln

Your future isn’t build by evading the difficult things in life. We all have time to spare if we acknowledge it or not. The only exception could be when you have one or more children running around. When we avoid the difficult things we maintain in our comfortzone all the time, you will not be able to broaden your posibilities. For example if you never worked in your teenage years you will be having your first job experience at a much later age than everyone else. It will make your first job experience more difficult because more things will be required from you.

The greatest way of investing in your future is with your time. However you can also use money to invest in your future. An easy link is investing with your money to allow yourself more freedom when you are getting older. Your money can also be used for improvement, for example taking classes or even easier by purchasing books. When you read a book or two a month you will be able to learn new subjects without the need of starring at a screen for weeks at end. Investing money on yourself, may it be for growth or for better financial stability will reward you in the long run. You will be having a small amount of sacrifices at this moment, but you will thank yourself later on.