The best investment you can do is investing in yourself. If you go for a monetary investment you will never get the same percentage you can possibly get by improving yourself.
The easiest investment method is by using your time to better yourself where possible. It can be as easy as reading books, following classes or teaching yourself a new language. You are not required to follow any extensive class to improve on yourself. Even going for a jog can help you in the long run.
Invest three percent of your income in yourself (self-development) in order to guarantee your future.
When you are young it is easy to skip building yourself. But if you manage to hold yourself reliable in building yourself you will reap the benefits in the future. When still at school we all tend to avoid studying, but later in life you will realise how a great time it was. Being able to focus only or mainly on improving yourself while having the freedom of experiencing life.
Go ahead and enjoy your youth while you still can. But also use your time to implement interesting opportunities in your life. When young people have certain expectations from you to meet, but you can surpass their thought and reach for higher goals that you set for yourself. Set your goals today and slowly use your time to reach them.