It doesn’t matter how many times you fail

Fail towards success

Everyone defines failures differently. I would even argue that failure doesn’t exist. Because in the name lays a negative intonation. When you want to avoid failure at every cost you will not be able to grow yourself.

It isn’t success that makes you grow. It’s experiencing failures that drives you towards success. For example in investing you only need to be right once to make it. Build up your capital slowly and don’t take your money out of your investments. Some of your investments will decrease while others increase. That one incredible investment can make up for the lesser ones. Obviously it is not advised to purely focus on that one special investment. Be diligent when you choose your next investment, don’t waste your well earned money. However if you spend your money on investments instead of on purchases you will end up with big rewards in the future.

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying. – Michael Jordan

Unfortunately in our youth our parents and teachers tend to teach us that failure is a bad thing. When arriving home with bad grades we get a bad look, get punished or don’t receive presents that we would have gotten for good grades. During this time it seems clear that receiving good grades is important, receiving any less than that feels like a failure. Start to accept bad grades and general failures and see them as an opportunity to grow.

In life there are many situations where you can fail that feels frustration and seems bad. But afterwards you will realise how great the failure was. For example starting a job where you end up being fired. It may have been your best experience you ever had. Even if it is just by learning how a boss shouldn’t react to their employees.

When you are in your 20s everyone makes you believe that you need to be stuck in a job bringing you permanent income. However at this age you should allow yourself to see what you like the most and where you are great in. Found something you are decent at but don’t like doing? Don’t worry about it looking as a failure. Just look for something else you can do that you enjoy.