It’s a long road to become healthy

long road
The road to health is not always a straight line

It’s easy to set a health goal. Achieving the goals are becoming harder as soon as you realise that it can’t be obtained in a couple of weeks. To truly become healthy it needs to be a slow and steady progression.

Fast progress can dissapear fast, while slow progress will take longer before it dissapears. An example is when you participate in a marathon. If you start with sprinting you will cover a long distance in a short time and you will be ahead of the pack. However you have used a lot of your energy early on and later on you will regret the quick start. It is the people that start at a normal speed and have some gas left in the tank that will have a better end result.

Success is steady progress towards one’s personal goals. – Jim rohn

Fast results aren’t always the ones that we needed. An example is a crash diet. When you focus on an extreme diet the result may not be as great as it seems. Things like water fasting are extremely dangerous and the results dissapoint. You will lose a lot of weight, but that weight is mainly losing the healthy weight that you had. It loses weight and potentially, strangely enough, loses your water weight. If you frequently drink water your body will no longer retain water cause it’s no longer afraid to be out of water.

Getting back from a crash diet is extremly difficult. Because you haven’t set a back up plan for your future. Most of the time people get back to their old habits and quickly get back to their weight. If instead of doing it fast you research for some small healthy changes and slowly implement them you are changing your habits. Setting new habits allow you to adjust your circumstances to make it easier to abide by your new rules.

Becoming healthy can take a long time, which is why you should make it an enjoyable route. When starting out only change the things that are the easiest for you. For example start with going for a 15 minute walk 3 times a week, add a piece of fruit each day or even just park your car a couple minutes away from you work. So that every day you get that tiny bit of walking in. The more enjoyable it is for you, the better results you will get, and keep.