It’s your choice how you feel about a hindrance

Are you scared from a roadblock or do you find a way around it?

Obstacles are a part of life, everyone comes in contact with them. You can either let yourself be knocked down by them and staying down or you can fall down and get back up or even try to avoid them althogether.

There are some obstacles in life that can’t be avoided. But how much it affects you is your choice to make. Some people are crushed merely by one simple hindrance. For example everyone has to take tests. One mistake could mean you have to redo the test. This will hurt, it will require extra work to get through it, but this one mistake shouldn’t influence the rest of your life permanently. Obviously outside circumstances are neglected here, cause pressure from others could actually cause you to never be able to take that test again.

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional – Haruki Murakami

Compared to the example above there are people that are encountering near life and death situationsevery day and they still wont give up. Once you realise that you don’t have to be knocked down, or don’t have to stay down, you will encounter more obstacles that’ll become easy or at least be less difficult. When you are working hard towards something it’s normal that it takes a strain on you, but how you much this strain affects you is your choice. One example is you can take it as it is and not worry about something you encounter or at least not let it hinder you too much.

One solution to cope better with everything that comes at you is by allowing meditation to have a part in your life. Most people, me included, consider meditation as something that is only for people that have too much time to just sit around and do something that doesn’t has any benefits. However meditation could, and maybe should, have a place in everyone’s life. This doesn’t mean you have to go to a retrait for 2 months meditating 5 hours each day. Meditation can be as simple as just being mindfull of your surrounding, take a couple of minutes complete rest before going to bed, breathing in and out very deeply before that important exam.