Job satisfaction and mental influence

How are you feeling at your work?

Life has many aspects that could negatively or positively influence our mental state. It’s important that most of these aspects line up for your wellbeing. How are you feeling at work?

Thinking about our mental state we tend to look at what happens at home, how happy we are and how we feel about our family. However if you are like most people you are spending a lot of time either on working on your own company or working for a boss. Work requires us to do something that not everyone would be willing to do. Because we spend our time and effort to work either for our clients or for our boss we are getting paid to survive. It’s not more than normal that this will implement some stress in your life, even when starting your own company there will be stress. There will be no stress having to explain what you are doing to your boss. However you will have to proof towards your clients that you are worth the money you ask. An added difficulty is that you will have to make the numbers work for living off your own company.

Find a job you like and you add five days to every week. H. – Jackson Brown, Jr.

Finding the job you love might not be easy, but it’s important. When you have a job that you hate you will have 5 days in the week that you are suffering and you’ll need the weekend to recover to get back into it. However if you have a job that you like you will not regret that the week starts, or at least you will not hate it as much as others. To really look forward towards the start of the work week is extremely difficult. As long as you aren’t disliking that the week start you will be fine. If you love your work you will have so much extra hours that you will enjoy. You will have a more full life, feel better and in turn become a lot happier.

When we have to take care of our family we might chose for the job that brings in more money over the one that satisfies us. In the short run this could be a decent solution to the problems you have. However in the long run it will only harm you. If you are going to work very hard for a couple of years and you are able to put a lot on the side for later this is perfect. However if you are working hard on a job that pays a lot you will also have more responsibilities and the job could be a lot harder and more taxing on your mind and body. If you or your family sees the money come in and start to spend more you will not be able to step away from the job and go to a less paying job. In turn you will notice that you are stuck with the job that brings you no satisfaction. Instead of stepping on this route find something that you enjoy even if it brings in a bit less money. If you like what you do you will not get burned out easily and can keep going. Potentially it even allows you to start a business on the side or take on a (small) second job that you also enjoy to have enough money to survive.