Keep your vision in front of you

Change any situation for the better

Having a difficult situation at hand? Avoid only looking at the situation and the people around you. Instead take a look at yourself, your actions and even more your mind.

Ever had a difficult exam or important presentation to go to? It is very likely that you were stressed about it and didn’t want to participate in it. The best thing to spend time preparing well and staying calm and positive about it. When not feeling comfortable giving presentations, change your mindset. Firstly appreciate that just by being present you already receive half of the points. For the second half think about people that you know who might have had problems with presentations in the past. Ask them how they improved and follow their lead.

I’m a big believer in visualization. I run through my races mentally so that I feel even more prepared. – Allyson Felix

No matter what the circumstances are you can change the way you think about it. When you change the way you think about it, you change your look at it and you are likely to change the situation itself. This way of living can be seen as a gradation of a self-fulfilling prophecy. As long as you empower your brain consistently you can achieve anything you want.

Our brain is the strongest tool that we have available. Use it to improve every part of your life. Use your brain for visualizing what you want to obtain. You can reprogram your brain to what you want to achieve. A good way to practise visualization is by doing meditation. Open your brain to dwell about any random subject. Set your mind free from all your worries and determine for what you want to use your energy.