Keeping your friends healthy

eating healthy with friends
Eating healthy together

In last article we talked about how to improve the health of your friends. There is a topic close to the subject that is even more important. That is how to let your friends maintain their health.

You can only help your friends become healthy when they want it. What is more difficult is how to keep your friends on track with their and your goals. Going out with friends is often synonym for going to get a drink, eating out or ordering a pizza. It’s not your friends who cause this pattern. When are you going out with your friends? On a tuesday afternoon? Likely the only time you are meeting up with them is on Friday evening or on saturday. After a long work week you are tempted to relax and let everything go.

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. – helen Keller

On the route to a healthier life some people refuse going out with their friends. Because whenever they go out with friends they drink a lot of eat things their health goals don’t allow. This is actually the wrong way to think about it. Go out with your friends and spot opportunities where your friends wouldn’t mind or even prefer to follow your lead. For example going to town on friday evening with friends planning to go eat somewhere but haven’t agreed on the place yet? Do your research before leaving home. Take a look at all the alternatives for some healthy eating instead of going for the quick fast food option.

Planning on going to eat and watch a movie afterwards? If there is an eating place nearby, yet still a bit off distance opt to meet up together at the food place and go for a walk towards watching the movie. Staying healthy lies in the unexpected corners of life. Another example is meeting at the entrance of an appartment to meet up to your friend in an appartment on the 4th floor. Instead of assuming to enter the elevator propose to take the stairs. You spend nearly the same time and you are taking a healthier option by taking the stairs.

The more you share your passion about health with your friends the easier it become for them to join you on your journey. They may not become equally passioned about it as you are, but at least they will acknowledge your needs. Seeing how much you like healthy options they will more likely be able to accept a healthy or at least healthier option during your evening out.