Know and believe in yourself, but don’t think you are the super star

How does your image of yourself look like?

Due to social media in our life we see others calling themselves superman. Don’t fall in the trap of looking at yourself as the man when you haven’t proven yourself.

“Fake it till you make it”, is very strong and can be implemented in your life. However you also have to make it believable to yourself and the people around you. No one will believe that you out of the blue has become the president of your country, neither will the accept you for becoming the king. Trying to think about yourself as being better doesn’t hurt if it’s just a tiny improvement. But if you pretend you are the one and only when you are not it wont help you. Imagine someone at your work pretending to be the most experienced employee in the room. But when something challenging, difficult arises they hide in a corner because they have never learned how to cope with it.

Struggle teaches you a lot of things, and I am happy that I witnessed a roller coaster ride. The journey has improved me as a person and made me more mature. – Manoj Bajpayee

If we believe that we can do everything without struggling without encountering some hardship we are pretending that we can do everything without any problems. It’s true that we can do everything but don’t overestimate yourself thinking that unlike everyone else you can do it without failling. If you are starting a business don’t think that your business will be a one shot wonder. There is almost no one that creates a business and ends up with a multimillion company in just one year. You are either going to start multiple companies or you are slowly going to build your company over many years.

Believing in yourself is a must, otherwise you’ll never succeed. But thinking you are without faults and you can’t make mistakes is cheating yourself. No one is without faults, even the biggest entrepreneurs will make mistakes here and there. Those that say they never made a mistake are lying or haven’t build there company for long enough. The same thing goes for your health. If you have been struggling with your health for many years and today you set a goal to become healthy. Don’t overestimate yourself by doing everything correct in the books for 3 months to hope that everything will work. If you are putting yourself under so much stress you will bounce back so rapidly you don’t even feel it coming.