Language or math?

What has your preference: numbers or words? 

From an early age we start learning a language. This is the first and for some the last experience we have with experimenting with a new language. Others are being teached some basic things about numbers and that is as far as they will go.

There are some persons for who no math question is too hard, yet they dislike learning a language and vice versa. When you were still going at school you probably knew a few people who excelled at math and some in languages, very rarely it was the same person. This should by no means limit you to the believe that it isn’t possible. It should rather be the wake-up-call to attempt to broaden your view. As students we get praised for the thing we are good at, when something doesn’t interest you it will get placed in the back. Because you rarely study it you will not do great at it, which in turn will make others consider you bad on the area.

Communication is a skill that you can learn. It’s like riding a bicycle or typing. If you’re willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life. – Brian Tracy

Let’s take myself as example for considering the math or the language side. At my early days I preferred math and hardly did anything for my languages. At some point a French teacher told me that I wasn’t good at French and that I would never be. Yet at the same time I was getting complimented constantly on my English. I fell in love with the English language which is why I was thinking and speaking in English without any problems. French was the language that I never clicked with untill some years later that I wanted to improve on it.

Anything you set your mind to is possible to achieve. Don’t consider yourself as being solely a mathematical wonder or a language genius. Rather explore both of them. The more time you spend on them the easier they will become and the more versatile you become. The earlier you spend your time on both the bigger the reward will be. You will become the benchmark of knowledge in both areas and it will help you on your route to a stable and high earning job. Don’t put yourself down by only considering the possibility of being good in one of them. Look to the big picture and you will thank yourself for it.