Learn from the experience from the people around you

Learn from the people older than you

At an early age we go to school and learn many new things every day. When we get older it becomes harder to learn. We aren’t unable to do so, but rather because we are inclined to think that we know it already and that others aren’t able to teach us.

Someone who has many years of experience under their belt will have made some mistakes on their way and will only share this if they notice you want to learn. As teenager it is difficult to appreciate good advice. It is so much easier to pretend it’s worthless and to hide from it. Only after time you will realise that they were trying to help you grow and improve. There is only so much you can learn on your own. So when you are with other people, regardless of their age. listen to what they are saying instead of constantly talking. The smartest people are the ones who prefer to listen and gather knowledge that way instead of solely waiting for their turn to speak.

In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists. – Eric Hoffer

#Lifelonglearning is either something that sticks with you or gives you anxiety. Studying is hard for everyone, some might enjoy it, but it remains hard. Because when you are learning something new: a different language, playing an instrument, math and so, you are challenging yourself on getting to know something that you are not familiar with. If you pretend you know everything you might be equipped to perform in your current situation. Whenever something new pops up and you avoid updating your knowledge you are taking steps backwards in comparison with the people that keep on learning.

Despite we don’t want change it will come in some shape or form. It may be that in your workfield a new product comes out, a new concurrent forces change or your employer who wants to change the way you work. Different examples of change are a new technology like the prevously new internet and computer may come out. When they arise out of nothing everything changes rapidly. Avoid to learn to use it and you will slowly fall outside of the society. Think about people not using a computer at this point, what are they still able to and how long will it remain possible? All companies are implementing communication through the internet.