Learn new skills from strangers

Learn from the people around you

Some countries in the world aim for education for everyone. So when we are young our peers have the same education and therefore learn similar skills if not the same. However everyone’s personal life is different and the amount of things we learn and skills we built are diffierent. .

As children everyone learns us not to talk or trust strangers. This has it’s reasons and as a child it’s not advised to just blindly trust people, this could lead you to get in trouble. However as we start to age it becomes easier to defend ourselves and a conversation with a stranger has less dangers than before. When we are young we get to learn less from strangers because we aren’t allowed to talk with them. However the person you cross on the street might be the smartest person you could ever know. Maybe they have knowledge of a subject that is important to you and that needs improvement on your end. For example you may continue to struggle financially, the person sitting next to you in the bus might be a retired millionare that can teach you a thing or two to become financially free in just a couple of years. If you give the stranger a small amount of your time you could be rewarded immensely.

Smile at a stranger. See what happens. – Patti LuPone

The smartest people of a certain era are often the ones that is least spoken about and are rarely well known. So instead of attempting to meet the most famous scientist or Warren Buffer to learn from them keep your eyes and ears open meeting new people; The person you meeet on the street is currently a stranger from you, but before you know it you are best friends and you learn from each other a huge deal of information. Instead of locking yourself up every day to continue to learn new subjects take a stroll around the area and learn from the things you see and the people you meet. Learning has never been easier and stranger than it currently is. You can just start up your computer or even open up your phone and learn Chinese on the spot. This method of learning has it’s time and place, but so should learning from strangers.

A different method to learn from others is to learn to be quiet and let the others do the talking. We sometimes believe that to make friends we need to be constantly talking so they think we are interesting. The opposite is more important, if you let the other talk and show interest in what they have to say they will consider you as a better friend and more interesting. Nothing is as annoying than to speak with someone who always wants to be talking and that will rarely attempt to listen to the other. At the same time as being more interesting you will be listening to the subjects they are interested about and learn their vision and the information they have gathered on them. So instead of attempting to look interesting by talking all the time take some time to learn from others.