Learn to save a life

first aid
Join a course to learn to heart massage

Do you have someone in your family who suffers from heart issues? You may have a family member who suffers it, but doesn’t know it yet. Follow a course to be able to perform heart massage. In medical terms it is called Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

Let’s strive for a world with more people who able to perform CPR when needed. Follow a short course to learn how to help people with heart faillure. In turn for a couple of your hours you may one day save a life and save a family a lifetime of sorrow. Let’s hope we learn it and never have to use it. At least this way we are able to help someone in need.

Maybe I couldn’t help everyone survive, but I could, at least, save this one life. – Tiana Warner

Once you have learned how to perform heart message don’t stress about it. You are not obliged to act, even though it is always the best to perform CPR instead of staying comfortable not stepping up.  Because when the ambulance hasn’t arrived yet, you can jump start the first aid.

If you witness a heart faillure and aren’t confident in your performance yet, call the ambulance first. They will be more than happy to assist you through the process. The chance to survive a heart faillure increases drastically when someone performs first aid in the first minutes.

In the end you will be able to help people in the most stressfull time. They can’t survive the moment on their own, without the help of an outsider.