Let your life be an example

be an example
Practise what you preach

How many times have you heard advise that the giver isn’t willing to implement himself? Before you can give advise you should practise what you preach.

This style of living is especially important if you want to give advise to your family or your friends. They are around you often enough to see if you actually live by what you teach them. Tell your children to eat lots of vegetables while you don’t. Your children will be even more inclined to refuse to eat vegetables. Same thing goes for a healthy amount of movement. The most powerfull way to teach your children is by showing them how to have a healthy life instead of only talking about it.

A good example is far better than a good precept. – Dwight L. Moody

Giving a good example goes even further then just doing what you say you would. Do things you know are good, without talking about them. Do them as if they are the easiest and most convenient thing to do, even if they aren’t. Going out on a trip with your friends? Either choose not to drink because you will feel better the day after. Or make sure that you wont step into your car if you decide to drink. You will be thanking yourself later if your children take this good habit from you.

Closely linked with this article is the topic about doing something before you tell people about your plans. Tomorrow’s article will explain how it is better to actually do something before talking about it. For example start living healthier, before telling your friends you are going to do that.