Are you looking for a method to constantly keep on improving to keep improving? Speaking with succesfull people is a great method to learn. Read our latest article on this topic. Another great method of learning, which gets overlooked lately, is by getting information from reading books.
About 20 years ago reading books was still very popular. Nowadays meeting people who still read books either for pleasure or who choose to read to learn new things is very scarce. This is very apparent if we look at young people. We tend to be glued to the screen versus reading on paper.
A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people. – Will Rogers
When was the last time you read a book by your own choice? Speaking for myself it took me a year after graduating on university to start reading for fun. Reading school books to pass your exam shouldn’t be discribed as enjoying to read a book. You can enjoy reading books for educational progress, but the real enjoyment flourishes when you want to read for pure entertainment.
Try and find the right material for you to fall in love with reading. Do you like to zone out into a fantasy based story or rather like to stick to facts of nonfiction literature? Any reading you participate in will widen your knowledge and will help you grow. At the moment you define reading as one of your hobbies you will start connecting with people who are also passioned about reading. This will bring you closer to people and they can share their favorites with you.