Listen to your advice

Follow the advice

Our friends or family sometimes want to change things about their life. For example they might want to become healthier. We are always the first to help them by giving tips on how they should act, but do you follow your own advice?

When we want to achieve a certain goal or going through something bad we already know which actions we should take. However it’s often difficult to take action on what we know that we have to do. It’s easy enough to give others advice but to follow it ourselves is more difficult. Next time you give advice to someone consider whether or not you live by the advice yourself. When someone is not listening to what you think that is the best for them remind yourself if you would listen to it in there position. When you place yourself in the position of someone else you’ll know how difficult it is to simply follow the best tips.

Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it. – Harper Lee

It’s easy to think that we know everything and can perform perfectly. Smart people may not need much advice but yet when it’s given, from anyone with knowledge or experience, it should be seen as a gift. Even unsolicited advice should be considered as a pleasant surprise. You may not need the advice now, but you never know when you can use it later on. For example someone you know may talk about how they were working at a great company that unfortunately had to let them go because of financial uncertainties in the world. They may not be the best company to work for at the moment because of the financial struggles. However when things are better they may become the best company you could work for.

Sometimes the people around us need advice that you are able to give. For example someone you know wants to change their lifestyle to become healthier. While you are doing great on health currently after some time you may need to follow your own advice to get back on track. Never underestimate the power of following your own advice when it’s needed. A different example is when everything bad happens in a short time to someone you tell them to think positevely and focus on the good things in life. When multiple things at once come up it’s difficult to hold yourself to this advice. People that trust you may already know what they have to do, but they will need you to support them in taking the decision to take actions following the advice.