Living as example

Be the example for people around you

Are you trying to teach someone or giving advise to your children? A lot of people are reluctant to learning just from words, especially when they disagree. However if you show them instead of teaching they will still disagree. But seeing that you do it yourself will give them a reason to believe what you would otherwise have told them. A great example for this is teaching your children that they have to save money for emergencies. If you are constantly stressed about car breakdowns or health bills it will show that you haven’t saved enough for an emergency.

You are the average of your 5 closest friends, but at the same time you can influence your friends being one of their inspirations. Friends are here for good and bad times. Support your friends in difficult times and promote the good things in life. Friend circles are rarely seen as the place for inspiration and motivation. The better you achieve your goals the more you will positively influence your friends

few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example. – Mark Twain

When growing up we dislike receiving advise and even more to have people show us the ways. It’s difficult to be around someone that always shows how it can be done. However in due time we will look back at those times and be thankfull for them. Thee same thing goes for if you are planning to improve your life and indrectly become an inspiration to the people around you.

When you are setting difficult goals you will at first struggle reaching for them. At first friends and family may make fun of you for focussing that hard. For example changing into not drinking alcohol anymore. You will encounter a lot of situations where it is considered weird to not drink. But once you have build the inner-confidence to hold yourself to your goals in any situation you will start to become a big example for anyone around you.

Complete your goals, create new ones, make them bigger and finish those as well. You will improve your own life and in turn help others while doing it.