Living low cost

How do you play the money game? 

People in similar situations often have the same cards on the table. How you use them are completely up to you. When growing up the children of your neighbour live in a similar house, in the same environment going to the same school. After some time you study something different, move to an other area start a different career path or start working overhours . Even the smallest difference between you and your childhood friend will bring other results.

One of the elements that at first instance seems unimportant is what you put your money into and how high your costs will spike up. You and you alone can decide where you use your money for. Some people like to spend it on clothes, others on cars, technology or anything else. You can choose from which you have the most enjoyment from. Having the joy from this is fun but setting it aside for later use is also great.

I believe that through knowledge and discipline, financial peace is possible for all of us. – Dave Ramsey

The only way to improve your financial security on the long run is by carefally weighing your options and see where you can reduce your costs. This will enable you to maintain your money so that one day you can become better with a high level of safety. If you make that your only goal that you continue to work on it will get tiring. So don’t put all your eggs in one basket and keep on living your life how you like it.

Despite how serious the commitment may seem, as long as you manage to put enough discipline and just enough enjoyment everyone can obtain financial safety. This can mean to retire only, to pay off your house or even just to know that if you would have to survive if you can’t finish off your 5 last working years. Any of these things can be achieved. Each of them has a certain level of new constraints. But all of them are obtainable if you work hard enough on them.