Living with your addictive personality

addictive personality
Benefit from you addictive personality

Don’t have an addictive personality? Keep on reading and see if you can help someone who is close to you. People with addictions rarely admit to having them, yet they need your help.

If you think you have an addictive personality then you have it, just like me. Having such a personality feels likes a curse. When people talk about addiction it is only being linked to the negative side of it. Dealing with people with an addictive personality can seem to be a big risk. Who knows if they will turn back to their past or if they will create a new addiction. Creating an addiction has no positive effect. There is a truth in all of this, but there is also the opposite side of the coin. An addiction does not have to be negative, contrary to the popular believe.

It’s an addiction … and addiction is something I should know something about. – Keith Richards

Firstly let’s tackle the current addictions. Trying to simply remove them from your life is one option, but it’s difficult without a new stimulance. The first step should be to find out new things to fill your life with. The biggest part of addiction is the feel good hormone “dopamine” that you get from doing certain activities, like drinking alcohol. Find something that you always wanted to do. Improve your dopamine by going for a run, playing or listing to music.

Having the tendency to get addicted to activities can be a blessing if you believe in it. Instead of focussing on the negative we should shine some positivity on the word addiction. Create your positive addiction to fight against the negativity. Compared to people who don’t struggle with addictions we have an advantage. We know how something can overtake your life. If we manage to fight it off we can create the time necessary to do new things. Tomorrow’s article will help you get rid of your current addictions and how to get positive new ones.