Look for a job that makes you happy instead of looking at the money

Hapiness at your job should be your main priority at work

As a child everyone had that one job they aspired to having at some point in their life. When we grow up this choice may change or stay the same. Are you working the job that you always wanted?

There are plenty of opportunities to take jobs (or create) jobs to be doing something that you really like. The problem with having a dream job from an early age is that you may feel stuck having to stay with this option. Feeling stuck in the same job for years is sometimes provoked by getting a certain degree and being pressured to stay into that profession. This mainly happens if your parents have helped you out immensely, especially financially they could have supported you greatly. However the financial support you received shouldn’t be a reason to feel miserable at your job. Earning a high income because of the degree that your parents supported you with is pleasant but if you are giving up your pleasure it might not be for you. For example studying law and becoming lawyer can be the dream of your parents, but maybe not for yourself.

Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. – Aristotle

When you have a high income job you might be scared of making the jump to take on a different job. However if you go look for an occupation that you really love you will perform so much better. In turn it will be noticed by your boss and could improve the money you earn. If your current employer won’t reward it you could improve your income when you are going to work for someone else in a couple of years. As long as you are enjoying yourself at work you will able to do more. Find the job you love and the results will come. If your job consists of being in direct contact with clients your pleasure of doing the job will shine through. This will not only be enjoyable for you, the client but it will also improve the performance of the company. Client binding causes clients to stay with the company and improve the income of the company.

Working on a job that pays well will initially motivate you to continue working hard. This happens because it’s pleasant if you are paid well so you can buy anything you would want. However if what you are doing is unpleasant you will likely start to get annoyed about it and will become demotivated. What is the point of smiling when stepping into your brand new car shiny expensive car when you feel the pain when stepping out of your car into your work place? It would be much more pleasant to step into a normal car and still feeling happy when entering the business. No matter how you turn it enjoyment and hapiness at work are key to a long lasting happy work-life balance.