Look for ways to stay active without stressing yourself

Stay active

Are you constantly busy doing something? Are you allowing yourself to relax from time to time or are you always stressing?

To have a lower amount of stress people should be able to stand still for a bit and reduce the level of activity. If you are always busy their is a low chance that you allow yourself the time to recover. If you are not able to take complete rest you should switch some of your current stressfull activities to some activities that relax you. For example if you feel forced to hang out with people you don’t like (anymore) in the weekend then don’t force yourself to go. Rather do something that excites or calms you. You could prefer to go riding a horse or something as simple as going to beautifull places and just relax.

Man is so made that he can only find relaxtion from one kind of labor by taking up another. – Anatole France

In life it’s easy to change your current activities to something else. For example before you were in your spare time driving as an uber driver. Because your financially fine now you decide you want to stop doing it. In the perfect world you would get rid of this and use this time for pure relaxation. However if you don’t have anything replacing it this time will be automatically filled with something else. People aren’t made to do nothing. So the time you set for yourself to relax will quickly be taken away from you.

If you have freed up time everyone and the next person will find something for you to do. So it’s much better if you find something that you want to do and you can actually use it to name the time you are spending on it. For example (almost) no one will bother you if they know you are meditating or doing yoga. However if they see you sitting somewhere doing nothing and not having named what you are doing they will think you are lazy. They will have enough ideas for you to do. The only method there is to recover without having others bombard you is by adding an activity that relaxes you.