Look for your seed to plant

Plant your seed

We like to think that we are perfect as we are. Yes, everyone has something for them and you don’t have to look at the things that you aren’t tuned in to. When we are looking for a job or when we are completing an assignment we look at our strengths how can use them the best.

Having something that you struggle with is often looked at as being your “weakness”. Rather than looking at it this way, consider thinking as it being a seed that you can still plant to become a beautifull flower on it’s own in the future. Anything you haven’t succeeded at or didn’t spend any time at are possibilities for you to focus on. Let’s give an example of one of your weaknesses that can grow to become your strength. If you are introvert and aren’t the person constantly talking you could see if as a negative. However when people start to get to know you they might find it super helpfull to know that whenever you speak they have to listen. You think twice before you speak, so anything you have to say is worth listening to. At the same time being silent also helps you to really listen to what is being said instead of waiting for your turn to talk.

Growth begins when we begin to accept our own weakness. – Jean Vanier

When you accept what you are not good in you take the first step towards improving it. The second step is actually doing something about it, that isn’t just trying to avoid it. Personally I was never good at presentations. When I realised this I wanted to improve it. First came preparation, every presentation required to dive deep into the topic. So whatever happened you always knew something to talk about. This gave the benefit of showing that you really were knowledgeable on the subject. You didn’t need the keywords from your slides as often anymore. The next step was avoiding taking a sheet of paper with your entire text on it. So you weren’t forced to stick to your plan. This in turn would improve your possiblity to think on the spot and also jump on questions that the audience has.

Once you have planted the seed you need to remember to water it from time to time. On the presentation topic I opted for accepting any opportunity I would get to speak in front of (a small) group. The more you practise the better you become. Before you know it the thing that has always scared you will become your strength. It can become so good that people question why you are the person going for the difficult thing. While no one would accept to do a presentation as only person in the room, you are the one accepting it. While your classmates take the easy route by doing nothing, you are taking the moment to have your strength improve even more. Even if the presentation seems to have failed you will learn tons about yourself and about the usefull skill.