Look through recommendations

Don’t solely follow the directions

Very rarely we actually listen to advice we receive. Anyone will teach what they did wrong in the past and how they would have done things differently. As long as you listen to it you can learn from anyone around you.

While receiving advice is great don’t forget it’s only a recommendation based on the pressumptions they made. A hint given to one person may be completely wrong for someone else. For example someone could recommend going for the education to improve their chances on the job market. But what if you want to study anthropology instead of pharmacy? To determine whether or not a certain advice is valid for you reflect on how it fits in your situation. Advice is often generalised and you should watch out by applying it mindlessly. One of them is: “If you want to lose weight, eat less”. It’s true that if you eat less that you will probably lose weight. The question however is do you eat healthy, are you dropping the healthy food when you eat less? It is not a simple equation, you have to look at the total picture.

Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it. – Harper Lee

The first step to take a benefit from the advice is actually listening to what has been said. However think critically about it and see if it applies to you or you have to adjust it to your own situation. One of them can be find your passion or follow your passion. It’s true if you find your passion and you can make it your job you will be happy for a long time. However not every passion can be instantly made into a fulltime job. Think about loving to play video games or writing blogs. Both can be a fulltime job, but not within the first month or year, unless everything alines perfectly. There is no harm that is being done if you follow the advice, but also remain at your current job at the same time.

As the example above proves you can learn something from the advice, but it becomes even better if you adjust it towards your needs. No matter the recommendation be thankfull about the opportunity they provide. They are given from the perspective of wanting to help you, regardless if it’s hard to implement in your specific life. There is no advice that is exactly the same for 2 different people, interpret it how it helps you. When you changed it you can share it to others who could benefit from the adaptions you made. Finding people that have obtained experience in certain areas can help you out immensly. Look for them and listen to their stories to learn from them and apply it in your life.