Maintain your body from the inside out

How do you maintain your body? 

When we meet new people the only thing that is visible is their outside, how they look. How physically fit someone is doesn’t guarantee that they are a great person. However when someone has a great physique there is a big chance that they are able to stick to a plan towards great health and achieve their goals.

Sometimes not paying attention to your health sounds great so you can do whatever you feel like. Unfortunately if you want to maintain a good life for as long as possible you should consider taking care of your health and your body. Paying even just a little bit of attention to your health allows you to remain at your peak for the longest time. Instead of only enjoying yourself for 5 years without paying attention to your health you will be having a life long time to continue.

The human body is the best picture of the human soul. – Ludwig Wittgenstein

Anything that is going on in your mind will reflect on how you act and how your body looks like. When your mind is healthy it will be reflected in your body, just as much as a healthy body reflects to a healthier mind. It’s difficult to find out about someone’s mindset in life without talking to them. When you see someone being really fit you can only hope that they achieved it naturally and in a healthy way. While it can give you an idea you can never trust it completely. There are too many products out there that make you unhealthy but will still give the look of being healthy. For example there are even people how barely eat and lose a lot of weight that way. At the same time they have lost their healthy lifestyle.

Luckily a picture of the body doesn’t mean everything. People can be very motivated and highly succesfull with any type of body. You never know why someone is struggling with their health. They may have a dissorder or have some personal problems that make it much harder to reach the same goals. To get a better body it’s essential to get to know what works for you and what doesn’t. For example working out may not be your prefered method of getting in shape. There are plenty of ways of becoming healthy, no one can chose what works best for you. Maybe going for a hike works great, playing tennis or playing with your kids.

3 thoughts on “Maintain your body from the inside out”

  1. I agree! No one can choose what works best for another. It is nice though to have someone guide you in the right direction and help stay on task. We are all humans and even though we all know it is better to treat our bodies with healthy food and exercise it is hard to continue doing so without someone to compete with. This post came at the right time. When this week is done and the warmer workout clothes come I am getting back to my exercise regimen.

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