Maintaining your friendship or taking distance?

Friends are precious
friendship can be pure gold. 

The last few days we talked about how you can help your friends and how they can help you. The question that comes after that is how do you know if you should maintain your friendship or take your distance from a friend?

The important factor to take into account is to see how your friends react when you go through adversity. Who of your friends stayed close when you had a difficult time? Those people that seek contact during your difficult situation are the ones you should keep close. They are the ones you can always count on. friends that make time for you during your difficult time, while they are busy, are true friends.

Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.  – Euripides

When we are young we have much time to spare to go meet new people. So we get to know more people and we see more people standing at our sides. While aging our personalities and our lifes grow. So naturally we will be losing some friends. It is a good thing that time and distance helps us spread our friendships out. This way we get to see which friendships can outlast time and distance. These are the ones to keep.

Allowing yourself to take a little distance once in a while wont hurt. You will notice quikly when you made a mistake by taking distance. It is only when you distance yourself from someone that you know how much you need them. Admitting this to yourself and to your friend is difficult. But it is best to act on it, so you both get your friend back.