Make things easy

Do things easily

If you want to pass water there are plenty of methods to get over it. There is no need to make it difficult, just just choose a normal method and it will get you over.

It seems that obtaining some goals would require you to get fancy equipment or some special method. More often then not the simple method is the best one. For example to lift weights wrist straps and belts are worn. They are really usefull when you start to crank up the weights. But as you are building your strength there is no need to rely on them for the lighter weights. Another example is the best method to study. Everyone has their own method of learning. Constantly continuing to experiment is not neccessary. If one method works don’t change it.

Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy. – Saadi

Strong results are difficult to obtain, everything starts out difficult. It is your choice to make it easy fast or continue to expect it to be difficult. For example you might have a job that requires to surpass a lot of challenges. While it may cause you to have a difficult time, it’s your decision to accept that it’s difficult or work on improving yourself so it becomes easy. If you work at a company you could have very good computer skill, nothing on the computer challenges you. But are you able to explain to others what they are doing wrong and how to fix it?

The issue that you have doesn’t have to be resolved in a week, unless your job depends on it. Your weakness in your job is something that you can constantly work on. You may be working backoffice 90% of the time and sometimes have clients showing up at the office that you have to explain things. If this is something you are struggling with attempt to spend more time meeting new clients. Instead of trying to avoid the situation strive to have more of them each week. The more you do it the better your skills will become.


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