Do you know someone who takes the day as it goes? Those are the people who frequently say not to sweat the small stuff. Life is too hard to be worrying about the small decisions. However tiny changes in your decision making can make a big difference in the bigger picture of your life.
Drinking a glass of water instead of a beer at a party isn’t going to make your life change around. Taking this decision once in a while will positively influence your life. Benefit upon benefit improves your quality of life. The same thing goes for working out. One additional rest day isn’t going to hurt you. But if you plan on working out 3 times a week, and skip one workout every week you are going to notice the difference.
All of us start from zero. We take the right decision and become a hero. – Govinda
Everyone has the same amount of time in a day or a week. But how you fill those hours determine how succesfull you will be. If you take good decision all day you will reap the benefits of them later on. You don’t need to reward yourself with tasty unhealthy foods for every small win you obtain. Delay your gratification and you be rewarded a lot more in the future. Instead of going to drink a lot alcohol, laying in your couch watching TV do something usefull that improves your life.
The more often you go and do some work instead of pleasure the better your freedom will be in the future. Instead of laying in a couch for 4 hours straight binge watching TV spend just 15 mins of learning a language. Then go read a book for 30 minutes and fill the rest of your time watching TV. Making a simple change like this really helps you to improve your capabilities.