Make your workouts a challenge

Don’t take it easy in your workouts

Last article we talked about how you should maintain your workout rythm to continue the same path. It is great to constantly work out, however there is also something to be said about pushing yourself.

If you want to focus on your health it is not strictly necessary to keep on pushing yourself. At the same time it doesn’t hurt to push yourself from time to time. It will show how far you are standing on your goal to become healthy and on what point you can still improve. After realising how far you are you can adapt and make sure that you have some difficult workouts at least once a week.

The one thing I like to do is challenge my body, so I just transition between a bunch of different workouts all the time. – Brandi Rhodes

Our brain is constantly being challenged on many occasions. However when you have been working out for years it becomes difficult to find a way to challenge your body. There are some standard options that you can choose from: Increase weights, more reps, increase the length of your workout and even decrease the length of your workout. All of them can help incredibly. As you get used to the changes you can mix and combine multiple of the options.

The strangest method to challenge yourself is to decrease the length of your workout. This is the one that most people ignore. When you normally workout an hour long, but only have 30 minutes today you will frequently decide to take a rest day instead. How about doing the same amount of exercise you would have done, but allowing yourself only half of the normal time? It will be the most intense workout you have felt in a long time.

Alternatively you can add the challenging part into the cardiovascular part of your workout. Potentially by decreasing the amount of time for the workout as mentioned above. Or going for a bike ride outside, especially when it is windy or raining outside. It adds a nice amount of flavor to your workout.