Making money takes time and persistence

Making money
Let the money grow slowly

No one has become happy solely by building up their money. It is the freedom that can be obtained with it that can set you free from your stress.

Seeing how a world wide pandemic or any problem can arise it’s a smart thing to think ahead. Because increasing your wealth is rather slow it is advised to start building it up while you don’t need it yet. This way by the time you can use that extra bit of money you may or may not have achieved it, but you will be on your way there. If you wait it out you will be in a urge to be earning money quickly in a short amount of time and you will burn yourself and your wealth at the same time.

Never confuse the size of your paycheck with the size of your talent. – Marlon Brando

One of the methods to slowly build up is by using a small portion of your paycheck to start investing. When your paycheck is bigger you can increase the amount you are investing. But don’t let your income deceive you. Having a boss that you pays you a nice amount doesn’t mean that you entitled to that amount and that you will find a similar high paying job in no time. Take what you have now and see how you can improve your long time financial stability with it.

Slowly moving your way up has the advantages of having time on your side. If you make profit by having stocks or lending money through various platforms you will receive dividends, interests or profit from selling. When you receive these profits you can reinvest them. Using them to not buy products but reusing them allows you to keep on building without hesitation. Utilise the power of time and you will compound your profits so that later on in life you will not have to worry anymore.